What does it mean to be a man who is alive, receptive, and present to life?
For those men with the ear to hear, there is an ancient call to embark on a spiritual-erotic journey into the mysteries, to find what author Sam Keene calls 'the fire in their belly and the passion in their heart'.
The Burning Tyger course offers ritual transformation and initiation, radically revisioning personal narratives and inviting in an empowered, creative imagination.
The course is essentially one single continuous rite of passage, separated into four parts to deepen and integrate the unique insights of each stage. Processes are anchored in the modern and ancient teachings of mythology and archetypal psychology, and allow for direct and embodied experience through art, theatre, movement, lectures, discussion, and play.
Please join us for a free introductory Webcast hosted by Burning Tyger facilitators Gareth Pretorius and Gregor Röhrig. There will be a short presentation, followed by a Q & A session.
All are welcome.
Tuesday 11 February
RSVP or queries:
Save the dates for the journey.
* The Heavens: 28 Feb-02 March, Cape Town, non-residential.
* The Blood: 06-08 June, Cape Town, non-residential.
* The Raven: 01-03 August, Cape Town, non-residential
* The Cypress: 01-06 November, Knysna, residential.
Learn more about the Burning Tyger course here.
For info about the academy, visit:
Image: Pinterest