“We need to find our way back to the original living spirit, which, because of its ambivalence, is also a mediator and uniter of opposites.”
C.G. Jung, Aion
Join us for a fascinating foray into the profound thoughts of Carl Jung in his work Aion, seen through the lens of archetypal philosophy.
Lecture 1: The Ego and Shadow
Lecture 2: Anima and Animus
17 & 18 February, 18h00, online
1 hour lecture, 15-30 mins Q&A
Recordings available.
The price is R150 per lecture. $12 for international. Or pay what you can, we would rather you be there regardless.
No charge for Advanced Course 1 students. Read more about the Advanced Studies in Archetypal Psychology here.
To book, or for more details, contact
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Image source: Tory Folliard, Pinterest