
The school that I am revealing is invisible for the eyes that are looking for solid boundaries and rigid dogmas.

It's invisible for the people that needs rules to abide to. It's invisible to the people that want to consume spirituality, like we consume our environment.

It will reveal itself to the seeker that is unraveling from the heart, longing for erotic innocence and spiritual freedom. It’s a school that calls for personal maturity, self responsibility and a great deal of commitment.

​The Tantra School of Fascinating Wonderment expresses from the living wisdom of the tantrik Dakinis. These wisdom teachings understand that spiritual realisation is an act of absolute devotion towards the suchness of our unique life experience here on Planet Earth.

The Dakinis lived and expressed the teachings through their embodiment. Their wisdom lives in the destruction of concepts and the dissolution of thoughts. To study in this school is to practice devotion. The devoted heart is an open heart. Only when the heart is open truth can enter, before that readiness any attempt is a struggle.

Life gives us plenty opportunities to break our heart open, use them wisely.

When your armouring is being trampled with and tenderised enough by the heartbreaks of your life, you are finally ready for the true teaching of Love. The essence of Reality.

Only then you will realise that your own heart is the heart of the Cosmos, your body is the body of Reality, and your Sexuality is the celebration of your human form.

The teachings of this school are deeply drenched in the tantrik current of `Kashmir Shivaism, the teachings of Abinavagupta, the songs of Lalla (Lal Ded), the transmission of my teacher Daniel Odier -and his master Lalita Devi, and the ecstatic erotic current originally embodied by the DevaDasi (temple dancers - servants of God) that used the body as a portal for expanded states of awareness.

The body that merges with the undifferentiated is the sacred map towards the Mystery.

Every practice is an act of worship to the experience itself. There is no striving. No measurements. Enlightenment is never a goal. We culture deep relaxation of the body-mind beyond spiritual fantasies and religious romances.

When your practice becomes empty of spiritual concepts and clever ideas you can finally embrace this ever-present moment with the erotic awareness that is gushing forth through you.

When you learn to look into the invisible you will recognise this school that I am humbling revealing.

It has always been here. There’s nowhere else to be.

It's a love affair with Truth.


~ Listen to EROTIC WISDOM with MrsLove podcast >

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  • 20 January 2025 01:22 local time

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