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On the SOLO Directory there are different types of Listings. Here a short explanation to help you navigate:


Seeker Listing

A Seeker is an individual actively searching, exploring, or pursuing knowledge, understanding, and personal growth in various aspects of life, often related to spirituality, wisdom, or self-awareness. A Seeker Listing is a free listing.


Sage & Sage Pro Listing

A Sage is a person who is regarded as exceptionally wise, knowledgeable, and experienced in various areas of life, often sought after for their insights, guidance, and profound understanding of the world and human nature.

The difference between Sage and Sage Pro is, a Sage Pro can also publish events (see next listing type)


Event Listing

An event listing is a Listing from a Sage Pro. To publish an event on the directory, you need a Sage Pro Listing first. After that, you can publish your Event, Workshop, Training or Retreat and as many as you want.

You either publish a once off event or a recurring event.


Space Listing

A space listing is created by us directly and you can’t publish your Space right now. If you wanna publish you Space please reach out to us here and we can chat.

A Seeker Listing is a free listing on the directory. You can make yourself visible to the community and people can see your profile. Here is an example of Simon, he has a Seeker Listing and so other community member can write him.

This is a good option if you wanna connect more with the community and reach out to meet or ask questions.

Yes you can, just follow this steps.

  1. Login
  2. Go to your listings
  3. Click on the listing you want to upgrade (see image below)
  4. Finish the upgrade (follow the process)

If you need support, please reach out to us.

In this Video, Simona is showing you how to create your Event Listing.

Important: If you do not have a Sage Pro Listing, you can’t publish your event.

Reviews are important. Either way, if you had an amazing experience or have a feedback for a Sage, use this tool to give feedback and share your experience.

Important: To write a review, you have to be logged in. Log in here.

  1. Look for your favourite Sage you wanna write a review or your Event you just experienced.
  2. Click on review to see the review form and the ratings to give your (hopefully) 5 star rating
  3. Write your experience as detailed as you want (if you had a bad experience, stay polite or either use the report button*)
  4. Submit your review

If you submit your first review, it has to be approved by a team member. 
We ask for your honest feedback. All inappropriate reviews will be deleted.

*If you need to report something urgently, please use the report button on any listing or reach out directly to SOLO.

We appreciate your feedback.

A Sage, Sage Pro or Space Listing involves a subscription, either on a monthly or yearly basis.

If you wanna cancel your subscription, you will find all your subscriptions in your account.

Klick here and you will find an all active subscriptions.

Yes of course. If you just want to show your support with a donation, please use this link. We appreciate your support 🙏🏼

Thanks for asking 🙂

Before you embark on this journey with us, we want to ensure that everyone feels welcomed, supported, and safe within our community.

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our community guidelines:

1. Boundaries and Security: We take the security of our boundaries seriously. Our community is like family, and we are committed to creating a safe and secure environment for all members.

2. Authenticity: S.O.L.O is a place where you can truly be yourself. If you have any questions or concerns, Simona is just a WhatsApp message away.

3. Conscious Connection: We are here to connect with the conscious community. Please engage with non-judgment and inclusiveness, respecting everyone’s choices and views on life.

4. Positive Vibes: Leave negativity at the door. Let’s cultivate a space filled with positivity and support.

5. Confidentiality: Your experiences are valuable, but please refrain from using names of other members when sharing. This is a confidential space where everyone’s privacy is respected.

6. Respectful Communication: This is not a platform for explicit content or solicitation. Maintain a respectful tone and avoid conversations that could make others uncomfortable.

7. Safety First: We do not tolerate predatory behavior. If you feel uncomfortable or notice any concerning behavior, please notify the admin immediately.

8. Group Etiquette: Keep conversations relevant to the community group, and use the Events & Marketplace group for event and product-related posts.

9. Non-Engagement with Covid or Politics: Let’s keep the focus on spirituality and connection. Avoid discussions related to Covid or politics.

10. Mindful Communication: Embrace words over emojis and stickers to express yourself. Let’s keep the group clutter-free and focused on meaningful conversation.

Thank you for taking the time to familiarize yourself with our community guidelines.

By following these principles, we can create a vibrant and supportive space for all members of S.O.L.O. We look forward to connecting with you on this spiritual journey!

