Join Rehane Abrahams and Nan McAughey for a two part series of classes to give voice-body to what is moving inside you as it meets what is moving in the other. Patterns of interaction flowing between, create and evolve us as errant, collaborative and situated subjectivities. Our vulnerabilities set the world alive.
Listen HERE while you read.
The world is being torn apart by powerful, shortsighted, demagogic forces. Perhaps our anxieties are warranted — a disastrous future looms ahead. In conversation with my 22 year old daughter the other day, she said she does not make plans, or think about home as a place, or considers anything more than getting through this day, this week. The future is unthinkable.
Although this fills me with terror, it also rattles my bones with the memory that survival is emergent. Perhaps our great sadness is a wetness, an erotic flow to enwomb the burning madness, and release love from its paralysis in patterns of power, gender and archives of knowledge. When we love what death can touch, the dark flux of soul streams in from the beyond again. We feel it as an astonishing current of interconnectedness. It awakens our every sense of beauty.
Working with Fitzmaurice Vocal techniques, Jin Shin Jyutsu vibrational practices, and eco-erotic explorations to dismember the scorched familiar, we enter a bewilderness - those wild places that disturb, interrupt, disable identities, make us hesitate and yearn, where we wander without certainties.
Creating a psychic vessel and opening to these middling terrains of breakdown and vulnerability, we engage with the dynamic interactions of body, breath, frequency, desire, voice, imagination, and language, to give expression to all that comes alive in our tender undoings. In the stinky, bloating, slippage of flesh and fact toward black, there is no more neutrality, no more distance, no external gaze. No more human at the centre. Simply the dark flux of the imaginal soul moving between and remaking us, provocatively.
This is a practice of ceremony, of voice questing, through which we cross thresholds into a different type of awareness with the world. We apply ourselves creatively and sensitively to the dreaming and listening process, to hear songs and stories that have been waiting for us to offer our attention. Touching the chthonic and dismissed within us, what future or past voices speak into the between, what coherencies vibrate? What handholds become essential for singing the world alive again?
“There are songs, singing in my bones, I can barely hear the notes, they are older than I know. There is sound like, the ones I've not brought home yet, the ones I've not yet named, the ones I’ve pushed away.” Bloodlines, by Alexandra Blakely.
If it calls, we may offer our ecological symphony outside somewhere.
No special background required — just curiosity and a willingness to move beyond boundaries.
WHEN: All Sundays: Part 1: 23 March, 30 March, 6 April. Part 2: 10, 17, 24 Aug.
TIME: 12 - 3pm.
WHERE: Kalk Bay Community Centre.
COST: R2400 paid upfront.
Thank you for your participation. Attendance at all classes is preferable.
We look forward to welcoming each other in this deep dive for what is possible to voice within our human understanding,
Nan and Rehane.
ALL IMAGES: Krista Dragomer at