Are you a Seeker or are you a Sage?

In our beautiful conscious community we are all students of life….
We have two types of beings on S.O.L.O,
Seekers and Sages…..


A Seeker is an individual actively searching, exploring, or pursuing knowledge, understanding, and personal growth in various aspects of life, often related to spirituality, wisdom, or self-awareness.


A Sage is a person who is regarded as exceptionally wise, knowledgeable, and experienced in various areas of life, often sought after for their insights, guidance, and profound understanding of the world and human nature.

S.O.L.O is a platform designed to facilitate connections between seekers and sages. As this field lacks regulation, the offerings presented on Solo are solely at your discretion when selecting your facilitator, workshop, or product.

As a community, it is imperative that we uphold accountability, integrity, and safety as paramount values. I kindly request that if you ever feel unsafe or have encountered a negative experience with someone within the community, please utilize the report button.

Your feedback helps maintain the integrity and safety of our community.

Thank you for your willingness.